
Tuesday, September 9

Sept. 8, 2014

Beautiful Savior Lutheran School

June 2, 2014

School Information:

Sandals, flip flops, bathing suits, beaches… now only a memory and a future hope.  Although for many the passing of summer may be a sad time, for us at the school, it leads us to an exciting time of new beginnings and the opening of new possibilities with the children.  We thank you once again for allowing us to have the opportunity to work with your children.

I can assure you that the entire BSLS staff is ready and excited to start the new year!  Our professional staff at BSLS have taken some well-deserved time to rejuvenate over the summer and many, too, have taken time out to reflect and engage in deeper professional learning through their participation in  various professional activities. Over the past couple of weeks, I have enjoyed re-connecting with staff returning to get their classrooms and plans ready for our children. There was a definite positive "buzz" in the air as we prepared for the arrival of our young people! All of the staff are excited about the prospect of beginning another school year filled with opportunities for learning, growth and sharing. 

 The 2014-15 Teaching Assignments and Staff are as follows:

Mrs. Butterfield                                Kindergarten

Mrs. Petkau                                       Grade 1/2

Ms. Klatt                                             Grade 2/3

Ms. Whitney                                      Grade 3/4

Mrs. Gonske                                      Grade 4/5

Mrs. Schnarr                                      Grade 4/5/Learning Resource Teacher

Ms. Meilleur                                      Grade 6

Mrs. Bishop                                        Grade 7/8

Mr. Badiuk                                          K Music, Grade 1-4 Violin, Grade 5-8 Band

Mr. Wozney                                       K-8 Physical Education

Mme Christensen                             Grade 3-8 French

Mrs. J. Penner                                   Educational Assistant/BASC

Mrs. Jaworski                                    Educational Assistant/BASC

Miss. Oystrek                                    Educational Assistant/BASC

Ms. Edwards                                      Educational Assistant/BASC/Daycare

Mrs. Waldron                                    Lunch Supervisor/BASC/St. Mary’s Nursery

Mrs. Madden                                    Administrative Secretary

Mrs. English                                        Admissions & Recruitment Officer

Mr. Van Dale                                      School Custodian

Mrs. Van Dale                                    Director of Childcare

Mrs. Heaphy                                      Daycare

Ms. Lin                                                Daycare

Ms. Klein                                            Nursery/Daycare

Mrs. Nachtigall                                        St. Mary's Nursery

Mrs. K. Penner                                         St. Mary's Nursery

BSLS welcomes Mrs. Penner and Mrs. English especially as new staff members.

We have a few new fun and exciting events that will be held as fundraisers and events throughout the year.  Our first event will be our Welcome Back Kick-Off on Sunday, September 21 at the church (formally Rally Sunday).  We welcome all families to attend the church service at 10:30 which will be modelled after our chapel service at the school.  This will allow the parents to see what the children experience every Wednesday.  It is also the opportunity where all the staff, school board, and PIP will be installed as church workers.  Staff will be in attendance to meet and to talk to following the church service during the picnic.  The food will be provided by the church but please bring a dessert if possible.  There will be a crayon bouncer and glitter tattoo artists for the children.  This is a great opportunity for new families to meet our current families and other students in the classes your child(ren) is in.
On Friday, a Welcome Back folder came home with a couple of letters and coloured sheets to fill out and return to the school by Friday, September 12.  Please have your child(ren) sign the technology contract.

As part of BSLS’s Emergency Preparedness Plan, we do several drills and practices throughout the year ensure the safety of our children.  This year we will practice 10 fire drills, 2 lockdown drills and an emergency evacuation to Nordale School.  Our emergency evacuation will take place during the month of September.  As it is a drill, along with the fire drills and lockdown drills, I cannot tell you the date or time, but just that they will be occurring.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly.

In the coming weeks you will receive information from the school, school board and/or PIP.  Please read all the materials and if there are any questions or concerns, please contact me.

Church Information:

NEW Bible Class - After some excellent survey feedback, starting Sept 22nd, Beautiful Savior will be having a new Bible class on Monday evenings from 7:45- 9pm called "Blessed are the Peacemakers".  We will take a look at what the Bible has to say about conflict and reconciliation.  The class will feature short videos and powerpoint slides to keep us on track.  Everyone is welcome.  Sign up on the bulletin board in the narthex or call the church at 204-256-5548.

 Why won't they listen? Have you wondered why your witnessing falls flat and people fail to respond?  Many comment that science has disproved the Bible and therefore it is not relevant to today's modern world.  But what's the answer?  Can the majority of scientists really be wrong?  Discover the answers with Richard Fangrad when he brings his powerful message at 7:00pm on Sunday, September 28, 2014

 Sunday School resumes on Sunday September 28th at 9:30 am for children ages 3-12.  We encourage all parents and grandparents to bring their children for singing, bible lessons, crafts and snacks.  If you have any questions, or would like to help our or register your children please contact Sharon at 291-3739.

 Pastor’s Blog-- Visit the Pastor's blog each week.

This year we have changed a number of our fundraisers and have a few new exciting ones planned.  The school, school board and PIP are working together to raise funds for the south playground in the hopes of raising enough money this year to complete it.  We ask that when a fundraiser is announced that all participate and raise as much money as possible!  If you would like to be on the playground committee, please let Mrs. McCrea know.  The playground committee will need people to gather quotes and complete some grants.  The goal is to have successful fundraisers that raise money and not over burden the parents.

We have some fundraisers that run throughout the year.  If at any time you shop at Mountain Jewellers or at M & M’s on St. Annes, they will give the school a percentage of the amount spent to the school.  Please tell your friends and use them whenever it is possible.  We also collect used Tassimo disks throughout the year and they can be put in the box saying ‘Tassimo disks’ underneath the microwave in the hallway. 

Mountain Jewellers, 1125 St. Mary’s Road, is willing to donate 10% of any purchases or services completed at the store back to BSLS.  They offer complete lines of jewellery, custom jewellery and watches.  If you require any more information, please see Mrs. McCrea or contact Son Nguyen (204-255-6585) directly.

Please remember to mention us at the St. Annes M & M’s whenever you make any purchases there (we will receive 10%) and bring in your Tassimo disks.  Tassimo disks can be turned in to the office.  We have now raised $26.00 from recycling Tassimo disks….every little bit helps!

Childcare Info:
We have emergency/fieldtrip cell phones for the childcare programs.  Please note these phones will only be used outside of our regular office hours for parents to use if they will be late in their pick-up of their child or if someone different is now picking up their child.  All other non-essential messages maybe left on the specific childcare program answering machines.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.
Daycare: 204-981-6553
BASC/Nursery: 204-981-5726

When dropping off your child in the morning, please only park to the right of the PIP Reserved spot in the back or in the front of the school on the street.  (Do not block the crosswalk)  The staff require the parking spots by the building.  We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Parents in Partnership (PIP):
A warm welcome to all of our BSLS families.

We have many exciting activities being planned this year! Please check your child's backpack later next week to learn more about PIP.

A few highlights for you:

·         PIP meeting Tuesday, Sept 9th at 7pm at BSLS. Childcare is provided for free.

Please come share your opinions on upcoming events and meet the team, we'd love to see   

you there!

·         PIP will soon have their own spot on the website.  Please watch for updates.

·         Thursday, Oct 23rd MOVIE NIGHT at BSLS. A great opportunity for your children to connect with their classmates. More details to follow in a few weeks.

Important Dates:


9 – PIP Meeting @ 7:00 (free babysitting available)

15 – School Board Meeting @ 7:00

19 – School Photos – begin at 9 am

21 – BSLS & Church Welcome Back to School Kick – off @ 1541 St. Mary’s Road.

Service begins at 10:30 followed by BBQ and fun!  Crayon Bouncer and Glitter Tattoos for all.  Please bring a dessert if possible , lawn chairs or blankets.